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Friday, November 13, 2009
Don't know if I should be happy ...
Yes, I know, it has been way too long since my last post.  I'm sorry about that.  My life took the wrong turn back there and it has taken this long to get things back to an even keel.  If it is OK with y'all, I'll just ignore that hiatus. 

Now for my post:

Here's the thing, I'm not exactly sure if I should be happy or not.  My oldest had a bag boy at the local grocer try and flirt with her ... and she didn't even notice!  Should I be happy that my almost 12 YO has not gotten boy crazy yet?  Or should I be concerned that she doesn't even have the rudimentary knowledge of dealing with the opposite sex?  Or should I be really really terrified that high schol boys are trying to pick up my baby????  I just don't know.

On the crafty side, I am making a concerted effort to use my Ralvery account.  It's about time, I've only let it lanquish there for two years.  What I've seen I like though.  I do like the project feature and I have already posted two new projects.

The first one is a mystery stocking from the Thrifty Knitters sock club.  DD1 wants it in green with red, DD2 in pink (big surprise there!) and hubby is getting this one.
Mystery Stocking

The other project is a scarf designed by DD1.  She wants it super long ... like as long as the Dr. Who scarf Photobucket  Oh, and she wants it by Christmas.  Yeah, don't see that happening ...
Moon Scarf

Posted by DustBunniesCanWait at 9:43 PM
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